Screenplay & Storyboarding
10/11 jan 2013 - 7 april 2013
Thu 12-3pm 05-18 / DM2D Fri 12-3pm 05-24
BLOG: http://storyscript2012.blogspot.sg

Week / Lesson
1 - Loglines, 3 Act, Storytelling, brief for Ex1 & Ex2
2 - Case Study - Trailers - Group Presentation
3 - Characters - What makes them unique & special. Case Studies.
4 - Submit Ex1 & Pitch - My Story adapted from true stories (news articles/mag), Storyboards/Scriptwriting
5 - Story Design 1 & Case Studies
6 - Story Design 2 & Case Studies
7 - Submit Blog & Ex2 & Script Read - Group Presentation
8/9 - Online Test
10 - Submit Assignment - Draft 1
11 - Case Study & Assignment
12 - Case Study & Assignment
13 - Submit Assignment - Final

Monday 25 March 2013


Week12 Class

ASSIGNMENT - What to prepare 

1. production folder
- exec summary, logline, synopsis, 3act, storyline, script, etc

2. presentation board
- selling your story with one promo poster...
- content: relevant visual + title + logline + credits
(credits = creator/screenwriter, sponsors etc)

3. storyboard (of your screenplay's trailer)
- using 6-8 key visuals to tell your story
- not as detailed as a storyboard prepared for animators/team

1. print of above (b&w is ok)
2. softcopy blackboard (backup in blog)



1. using 3Act 
Act1 - est key char + motive
Act2 - key char struggles with motive
Act3 - key char resolves motive (achieve or not)

2. storyline 
= telling your story eg tell me the story of the last spongebob episode in narrative form
- planting important info
- using beats

case study: coyote vs bugs

act1 coyote uses a door to introduce himself & his motive (establishes key character - impt info)

- uses a namecard with word "genius" (impt info)

act2 coyote struggles with catching & eating bugs

plan1 (beat1)

- coyote opens plan1, laughs (beat 1.1)
- coyote puts machine over rabbit hole (beat 1.2)
- bugs appears & sees coyote (beat 1.3)
- ......
plan2 (beat2)
plan3 (beat3)
plan4 (beat4) - CLIMAX (biggest struggle)

act3 coyote does NOT achieve motive 

(story is still resolved/ completed/ there is a closure)

3. script edits
- confirm storyline
- do draft1 script according to storyline
- rewrite rewrite rewrite!


1. important info 
- must be planted in visual or audio

2. what makes info important?
- TEST: will your story still work if you remove that info?
- TEST: remove dialogue and see if story works
- is it worth watching a movie if you've missed the first half of it? why???

CASE STUDY: Honest trailers
notice how the logline is still the same, but the way they tell the story is NOT.

1. Lord of the Rings

2. Twilight

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